Dr. 62034

Kellerman Cosmetic & Family Dentistry

Grinding Your Teeth Can Be Such a Headache! January 3, 2014

Do you periodically or frequently wake up with headaches? Sore jaw muscles?  Does your spouse or significant other complain about you grinding your teeth at night? If you are able to answer yes to any of these questions, you might be a teeth grinder, otherwise known as bruxism.

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is probably more common than you realize. Some statistics indicate that as many as one in four dental patients suffer from grinding.  Bruxism can cause many very undesirable symptoms, including:

1)   Headaches

2)   Tension or aching in jaw or other facial muscles

3)   Sensitive or broken teeth

4)   Damage to the cheek or tongue tissue

5)   Tempro-mandibular disorder (TMJ or TMD)


nti appliance2If bruxism is left untreated, there could be permanent damage to your teeth, especially considering they are “worn” away at a significantly quicker pace than normal.  If you are nti applianceconcerned that you might be a teeth grinder, we’re happy to help.  The easiest and most affordable option is our NTI appliance.  It is extremely comfortable and easy to use, fitting over just a few teeth in the front.  The appliance is worn at night. When it comes to teeth grinding, prevention will save you significantly with dental costs.  Ask us about a NTI appliance today!